Fighting Club


In the US, kickboxing tournaments are often held, and several prominent American kickboxers compete globally. Boxers usually wear protective head gear and use padded gloves, but not all fighters in kickboxing competitions use these items.

Unlike traditional boxing, there is no"clinch" when taking down an opponent, and it's illegal to push your opponent from. When defending yourself in kickboxing, you must either leave your standing position or use an escape technique. Some frequent escape methods include jumping to the left, pivoting right, skipping left, and jumping right. Keep your feet planted apart at all times, and do not rotate them while implementing a defense technique. The four fundamental kicks in kickboxing would be the right straight, the straight left, the roundhouse kick, low kick, headkick, and the uppercut.

The roundhouse kick in kickboxing is one of the most powerful kicks. The roundhouse kick is performed by throwing a high, roundhouse kick (also known as a"brickhory" kick) as your primary attack against your opponent's. The roundhouse kick is one of the most recognizable kicks in martial arts and could be executed by either the right or left leg or hand. The roundhouse kick can cause severe injuries if performed correctly.

Sprawl-and-bounce is a variation of stand up kickboxing that involves very little grappling. Sprawl-and-bounce matches last only a couple of minutes each, so fighters can spend the time building momentum and striking their opponents. Fights usually last only two minutes each, so that they have the potential to last twice that length. Although fighters in sprawl-and-bounce matches do receive striking exchanges.

Brazilian kickboxing was made in response to the popularity of Brazilian jiu jitsu. Unlike traditional mixed martial arts, kickboxing does not incorporate submissions. Because of this, the sport is highly popular among all martial arts veterans and new comers alike. 

While the above description of the sport may be true, there are several important differences between kickboxing and conventional mixed martial arts. Because it is generally recognized as a self employed system, kickboxing has gained additional popularity among women and children who would like to learn how to fight and how to defend themselves. Besides being a favorite self defense technique, kickboxing also promotes general fitness and body power, although lots of the strikes in the sport are performed. Many fighting governing bodies allow kickboxing classes because of these benefits.

Among the most common injuries from kickboxing is bruising. Though the techniques used are based mostly on standard martial arts strikes, kicks are common in this style of fighting. That is one reason why kickboxing classes are often recommended to those wanting to learn how to fight. The rules of kickboxing could be learned in a short period of time by learning the basic moves. No formal training is necessary to start kicking, but a first kickboxing class is highly recommended to prevent injury and get you used to the physical demands placed on your body.